NIV Webseries

Web-series are online videos, distributed through the web-based television or other internet platforms, usually in the form of episodes. This form of video started to appear in the second half of the 1990s and became very popular in the new millennium. With the global proliferation of mobile instruments like smart phones, tablets and laptops, people could enjoy movies and other videos during their travels and long durations of stay in different camping locations.

NIV is distributing web-series in association with different platforms like Youtube, Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc.. Unlike in the case of story-presentations in the other media, web-series makes people eagerly wait for the next episode of a story after they have seen one. The market never shrinks, if the stories are interesting, as people who see one episode are the captive audience for the next episode. NIV also helps producers and directors to distribute their web-series through various platforms and channels.